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Simultaneously, liquid fragility and viscous flows

Colloidal particles endlessly oscillating, diffusing randomly
In a river of elastic energy, ceaselessly colliding
Glass transition of suspended matter becoming harder
Underline movement craving on the folders of the skin
 Simultaneously, anecdotes, memories and fairy tales
People reading stories or inventing them on the fireplace
Growing fantasy with a handful of ancient words
Recreating times on heroic experiments of fiction
Squeezing imagination as an illusionary brilliant lime
 Simultaneously, the words of the Dayak shaman
Reciting confusing verses in an obscure place
Calling for spirits after smoking from a long pipe
Feeling the blood coming up to the front and tattoos
Disturbing images scratching like paws of tigers
 Simultaneously, reflecting in quietness
Opening the cocoon of his imago image
One man looks to another man with tenderness
Dreaming on storms of kisses and amazing embraces
Suffering the aggression of another’s beauty
 Simultaneously, borders, limits, transits, interfaces
Discontinuities, labyrinths, secluded places,
Boundaries, ceilings, thresholds, bounds
A current coming up the spine the first time I came
Perfect solitary soul, dreaming on distant lovers

Ao mesmo tempo, simultaneously: fraxilidade líquida e fluídos viscosos, partículas coloidais oscilando infinitamente, difundindo ao azar nun río de enerxía elástica, colidindo incesantemente. Da transición vítrea de materia en suspensión facéndose dura. Subliñando movementos que perforan os pregues da pel.
Ao mesmo tempo, simultaneously, anécdotas, memorias e contos de fadas, persoas lendo historias ou inventándoas a calor da lareira ancestral. Fantasía en crecemento, cun mando de verbas antigas. Recriando os tempos en heroicas experiencias de ficción. Espremendo a imaxinación coma se fose un limón brillante

Ao mesmo tempo, simultaneously, as verbas sagradas do bruxo Daiak recitando versos confusos nun lugar escuro, rogando aos espíritos logo de fumar dun tubo longo, sentindo o sangue subir cara a fronte e as tatuaxes. Imaxes perturbadoras, como o rañar das patas dun tigre.

Ao mesmo tempo, simultaneously, reflectindo en silencio, abrindo o casulo da súa imaxe en imago, un home olla cara á outro home, con tenrura adolescente, soñando en treboadas de bicos e abrazos imposíbeis, sufrindo a agresión na beleza de outros.